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Hair Loss: Propecia

Hair loss, or baldness, is very common among men. It is said that 50% of all men will experience hair loss during their lifetime. While baldness is more common in older men, hair loss can begin in men while they are still in their teens. In a nationwide survey, hair loss was the biggest appearance related concern among single balding men. The most common cause of male pattern hair loss is genetics. It is estimated that 95% of male hair loss is due to pre-determined genetics. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss, Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss) is the most common type of baldness.

Propecia®, which is the only once-a-day pill approved by the FDA, is proven to reduce male pattern hair loss. 90% of the men in a 5 year study reported visible results that Propecia® was effective at stopping hair loss or creating re-growth of hair. It states that 66% of them re-grew hair while all of the men in the survey who were not taking Propecia® lost hair. Why try other hair loss treatment options when Propecia® is proven to be an extremely effective medication for hair loss treatment.

Propecia® works by reducing the amount of DHT (dihydrotesterone) in your scalp. DHT is thought to cause the shortening of the “growth phase” of a hair follicle, which causes the follicle to shrink. This process continues and results in fewer hairs on the scalp until baldness occurs. When a person is taking Propecia®, the DHT is blocked and the hair follicles are not affected, therefore, the growth phase continues as normal and the person’s hair loss is reduced.

Men who are prescribed Propecia® should take the medication for at least 12 months. While positive results may been seen in as little are 3 months, in some cases it can take as many as 12 months. If you do not notice an improvement after 12 months, further treatment will not likely produce positive results. Fortunately, results from a new 2 year study showed that 99% of them men had positive results (hair growth, or no hair loss), while only 1% had a visible decrease of hair.

Propecia® has also proven to be a safe and effective hair loss remedy for men. Over 1,000,000 men have used Propecia® since the medication was introduced in 1998. At KwikMed.com, we are the only licensed and regulated company who can legally prescribe Propecia® to you online. Many men believe it is embarrassing to discuss their baldness with a physician in a face to face setting. After completing KwikMed’s diagnostic online assessment, which is then reviewed by a doctor, the doctor can provide you with a prescription which can then be filled by our licensed pharmacy and FedEx-ed to your home overnight in a discreet package.

If you have any questions, please call or email our customer service department.