You know that rapid onset of anger we commonly call “seeing red”? Well, losing your temper is not only troubling for your relationships (both personal and professional) but for your heart as well. New research has found that angry outbursts increase your chance of having a cardiovascular issue within two hours of the anger. This … Continue reading Angry Outbursts Lead to Heart Attack or Stroke→
By Emily Murray The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has announced the first massive changes for nutrition labels in over 20 years. The recent push to emphasize better health practices has prompted the FDA to highlight things like added sugars, calories and serving size. The label will highlight important information like this in larger, bold … Continue reading The New FDA Nutrition Labels→
By Emily Murray Have you ever wondered why some people can tell you exactly what happened in their dreams and others recall nothing from their night of rest? Researchers have been studying this topic and have discovered that there is more activity in the “information-processing hub” part of the brain in those who remember their … Continue reading Why Some People Remember Their Dreams→
In short, the answer is yes. Today U.S. health officials urged everyone over the age of 6 months to take advantage of the flu shot. This year we have seen the impact of a particularly deadly strain of H1N1. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that everyone of the age of 6 … Continue reading Should You Get a Flu Shot?→
By Emily Murray Gone are the days that we naively believed smoking wasn’t bad for us, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have more to learn! Research now shows that not only are the benefits of quitting smoking beneficial for physical health, but mental health as well. Those who currently smoke will often cite … Continue reading New Research Shows Mental Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking→
In our world today, there is most definitely a pill for every ill! From Tylenol to Viagra, It seems that people love to get a prescription and take a pill to not only take care of a medical issue, but also to take care of every day issues that can be taken care of with … Continue reading 5 Probiotic Food that Help with Depression and Anxiety→
The first time I had to set foot into the cancer treatment center, I was scared. I was in a place I never thought I would have to deal with in my life. I sit in the waiting room, and just like any other medical facility, it was quiet, with just the sound of soft … Continue reading The Mighty Power of Music Therapy→
For millions of people all over the world, diabetes has become a way of life. Not only do diabetics have to monitor their blood sugars, they must be aware of any other health issues that come along with diabetes including heart, eyes and nervous system conditions like Neuropathy. While many diabetics with type II are … Continue reading Diabetes and Contact Lenses: A Technological Connection→
It is a Thursday afternoon and you have been working heavily on a project. Lunch is way past, and dinner is soooooooo far away! You are thinking about something to eat, however the bowl of candy and left over donuts in the conference room are not on your “healthy” eating plan. The only things that … Continue reading Diet Soda and Calories – Empty Calories and What You May Want to Consider→
By Emily Murray Sex education is usually at the center of controversy when it comes to whether or not it should be taught in schools, however the one place you would hope the conversation is broached is at the doctor’s office. Recent studies however have found that this opportunity to discuss sexual health with teens … Continue reading Study Finds Teen Sex Education is Neglected at the Doctor’s Office→