All posts by KwikMed

Addicted to Facebook? You Might be a “Pleasure Seeker,” Study Suggests

By Emily Murray It’s hard to imagine that future generations will not experience a life without social media, Facebook in particular. Even for those in our 20’s, Facebook was something many of us were introduced to in our college years. Now, as soon as a child is old enough to surf the Web, a Facebook … Continue reading Addicted to Facebook? You Might be a “Pleasure Seeker,” Study Suggests

Communication Isn’t the Only Important Factor in a Lasting Relationship

By Emily Murray In the face of an ever rising divorce rate, learning the keys to making your relationship go the distance gives you that extra leg up on beating the odds. However, if you have been abiding by the old “communication is key” adage, you may be missing out on a few other points … Continue reading Communication Isn’t the Only Important Factor in a Lasting Relationship