By Emily Murray “Fake it ’till you make it.” We’ve all heard this age old advice. New studies have found that for introverted people seeking the happiness that comes from socializing, his may actually be a good start. It’s been proven that extroverts, or those considered outgoing, are generally happier and more satisfied with their … Continue reading Introverts Can Act Like Extroverts to Achieve the Same Benefits→
The FDA recently reported that certain spray-on sunscreen worn to close to an open flame could produce risk of catching fire. This report comes after a handful of incidents popped up claiming that spray on sunscreens flared up causing injuries. The biggest issue for most of these spay on sunscreen incidents is due to the … Continue reading The Summertime Sun is Blazing, and so could your Spray-On Sunscreen→
Today a court ruled in favor of proceeding on a class action suit by Consumer Advocacy Group the Center for Science in the Public Interest and consumers in New York and California against Coca-Cola’s Vitaminwater drinks. It was first filed in 2009. The reason for the class action suit?? Alleged deceptive labeling and marketing for … Continue reading 3 Amazingly Simple Steps to Better Health→
By Emily Murray While we have all seen the commercials for erectile dysfunction medications, can you recall the last time you saw similar ads for women? While the emphasis is generally put on men, women can suffer from low libido and the consequences for mental and emotional well being can be just as severe. How … Continue reading Low Libido – Not Just a Man’s Problem→
By Emily Murray Feeling stressed? According to a new study this anxiety may actual make you a more helpful person. According to a recent study, when we are stressed out our natural inclination to preserve ourselves kicks in and that means being helpful and cooperating socially for survival. While most of our stress today is … Continue reading Being Stressed May Make You More Helpful→
By Emily Murray Most of us hear the word “germs” and associate it will illness and disease. While germs are responsible for these things, they can also be good. In fact, a large percentage of our bodies are made up of these germs, or microbes. Recently doctors have discovered that these microbes can largely impact … Continue reading Gut Germs Have More Impact on Our Lives Than we May Think→
By Emily Murray Technology never ceases to amaze. While it has advanced us in many aspects of our lives including communication, entertainment and even health, a new study shows that simply watching avatars exercising and maintaining healthy habits may be enough to prompt others to get on the fitness bandwagon. When the women involved in … Continue reading Avatars Prove Motivational for Weight Loss→
By Emily Murray Hand washing is one of our best defenses for warding off infection and disease. While it seems like such a simple solution to killing germs, studies have proven time and again that many forgo the soap and water after heading to the restroom. If you have ever been in a public restroom … Continue reading Hand Washing Trackers Being Introduced to Hospitals→
By Emily Murray When you first read the headlines, it can be a bit confusing. When we think of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) we normally picture things that are unhealthy not passing FDA approval. So how can the FDA be allowing two new cigarette types to hit the market? In 2009 a new … Continue reading First Use of FDA’s Regulatory Power Over Cigarettes→
By Emily Murray When it comes to health news, it seems that the story changes from time to time. Naturally when most of us think of pregnancy ‘do-s and don’t-s’ drinking alcohol falls in to the ‘don’t’ category but a recent study has discovered that “moderate” drinking seems to have no ill affect on the … Continue reading Moderate Alcohol Use in Women Will Not Harm Unborn Child, Study Finds→