By Emily Murray In a society where greeting others is done largely with a hand shake, the findings of recent study may leave some hesitant to extend their hand. Michigan researchers observed 3,749 people discretely as they washed their hands in public restrooms. After viewing this, they concluded that a mere 5% of people … Continue reading Cringeworthy: Study Finds 1 in 20 Wash Their Hands Propertly Prior to Leaving the Restroom→
By Emily Murray Bad news for meat lovers! According the largest study of its kind, your veggie-loving peers may outlive you! There have been countless studies which have pointed out the potential health drawbacks of eating meat (especially red meat) but according to the recent Loma Linda University research, there are other negative health consequences … Continue reading Study Finds Vegetarians Have Longer Lives→
By Emily Murray While nutrition may be furthest thing from many people’s minds while relaxing with a glass of wine in the evening, soon labels will be a reminder that alcohol too has nutrition facts we should be aware of. Of course, most of us are familiar with the terms “beer belly” or “beer gut” … Continue reading Nutrition Labels on Alcoholic Beverages – Coming Soon!→
From time to time, we all tend to get that dreaded virus, illness or other issues that cause us to take antibiotics. I know for myself, I do not look forward to these times. Plain and simple, antibiotics kill bacteria, which in turns helps ease viruses and infections. From the beginning of time, there have … Continue reading Probiotics Proven to help with Antibiotics side effects→
By Emily Murray When we say “I am so stressed out!”, it’s rare that we mean it in a good way. According to a new study however, it’s suggested that some difficult or challenging things may promote healthy habits are often as they support not so good ones. Think about the last time you were … Continue reading The Upside of Stress→
By Emily Murray It comes as no surprise that fast food is by no means “healthy,” however, the shocking part of a recent study was just how many people underestimate the calories present in their fast food favorites. Think quickly, do you know how many calories are in a Big Mac, a Dunkin Donut or … Continue reading Study Finds Most Americans Underestimate Fast Food Calories→
By Emily Murray As more of the country becomes “obese” (by medical standards) fear for our collective health has left many of us looking at our own eating habits. Perhaps one of the most commonly misunderstood nutrients is fat. While it may have a bad connotation in our minds, dietary fat is essential for our body to … Continue reading Mediterranean Diet Sharpens the Brain→
By Emily Murray No matter how we feel about it, your metabolism will continue changing throughout your lifetime. Perhaps there is no greater way to see this than by reaching adulthood, What you could eat as a teen catches up with you in your 20s and 30s. When you become “middle age,” the effects of … Continue reading Middle Age Men and Women Increase Heart Health with Workouts→
By Emily Murray The use of opioid medication is common for those in need of pain management. In general, the treatment is deemed as both effective and safe when not abused. A new study however has revealed that these type of narcotic medications may make men more likely to experience difficulties in the bedroom. Should … Continue reading Extended Narcotic Use Increases Erectile Dysfunction Risk→
By Emily Murray Arguably, technology is more important in the medical field than anywhere else, so why then are so many hospitals relying on outdated systems? This is what researchers behind the latest revealing survey would like to know. When old technology is relied on, the hospital loses money and the patient loses time. How … Continue reading Old Technology Means More Money Lost in Hospitals→