By Emily Murray Whether you have been married or not, most of us have probably watched enough movies to understand the whole “cold feet” pre-wedding scenario. As the wedding day draws closer, both men and women typically experience a case of nerves and typically are told this phenomenon goes with the territory and is completely normal, … Continue reading Cold Feet Before Wedding Day Signals More Than Just Nerves, Study Finds→
By Emily Murray For the millions of men who stand by helplessly as their hairline recedes, new research may yield breakthrough treatment for male pattern hair loss. While the implementation of the new findings is still years off, the future of hair loss treatment may be taking a turn for the better. Currently those who … Continue reading Researchers Come One Step Closer to Baldness Cure→
By Emily Murray New research warns heart attack survivors of the possible danger of taking NSAIDs. In the five years following a heart attack, it is now believed that taking any of these non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, either prescription or over-the-counter, may lead to an increased risk of having a second potentially fatal heart attack. Essentially … Continue reading Heart Attack Survivors May Want to Avoid Painkillers→
By Emily Murray In what seems to be an ironic twist, studies have found that mammograms, tests intended for early breast cancer detection, may actually raise cancer likelihood for at-risk women. During a routine mammogram, a woman is exposed to radiation which is a known catalyst for cancer. For those young women who are already at an … Continue reading Surprising Research Findings: Mammograms May Raise Risk of Breast Cancer→
By Emily Murray Were your high school days spent running with the less-than-popular crowd? A new study has found that means you are less likely to be a smoker as an adult than the “cool kids.” We all understand the basic concept of peer pressure. We are more inclined naturally to try something we wouldn’t … Continue reading School Popularity Predicts Likelihood of Smoking, Says Study→
By Emily Murray While it’s been an age-old ongoing joke that men and women are two totally different creatures, a new study confirms yet another way ladies and gents differ – their senses. The study revealed that women are better able to differentiate color changes and notice changes in odors while men notice moving objects … Continue reading Study Reveals Yet Another Difference Between The Sexes→
By Emily Murray We come from a society that tends to preach “natural is better,” but when it comes to dealing with erectile dysfunction is that really the case? While reports tout the benefits of alternative medicine like acupuncture and herbal supplements for impotence treatment, many in the medical profession have stopped to examine these claims a … Continue reading Doctors Warn That Natural Impotence Remedy Research is Incomplete at Best→
By Emily Murray Does the mere mention of West Nile freak you out? Well, we are currently experiencing the worst U.S. outbreak in history so your alarm is not totally unfounded. On Wednesday, health officials employed by the government stated that this is the worst outbreak we have seen since West Nile first appeared in … Continue reading West Nile Outbreak Continues→
By Emily Murray It may come as a bit of a surprise that marriage causes women, not men, to drink more but according to a new study that’s just how it works. It’s not due to unhappiness or stress however, this increase in alcohol consumption has been said to come directly from the influence of … Continue reading Married Women Drink More, Study Finds→
By Emily Murray Since the emergence of birth control pills in mainstream medicine there has been an endless evolution to try and make them easier to swallow…pun intended. We’ve seen hormonal contraceptives delivered in shots, rings, patches and pills in an effort to find the easiest way for women to regulate their cycles and avoid … Continue reading Ladies and Gentlemen, The Male Birth Control Pill Has Arrived! Well… Almost→