All posts by KwikMed

Preliminary Research Shows Potential Benefits of Testosterone for Heart Failure Patients

By Emily Murray For patients experiencing heart failure, the latest therapy on the horizon may come as a bit of a surprise. While it’s not yet recommended that patients try this therapy on their own, preliminary research has suggested that testosterone may actually help improve the quality of life for certain heart patients. For those … Continue reading Preliminary Research Shows Potential Benefits of Testosterone for Heart Failure Patients

New Study Shows That ‘Being Nice’ May be a Product of Your Genes

By Emily Murray Ever wonder what makes some people cheery, friendly and helpful day in and day out? Most of us assume it’s because of their current environment, past experiences and the way they were raised as children. While these things do factor in, a new study suggests that “niceness” can largely be passed down genetically and … Continue reading New Study Shows That ‘Being Nice’ May be a Product of Your Genes