By Emily Murray Despite the emergence of shows like “Teen Mom” and hit movies like “Juno” featuring teen pregnancy, a new report shows that it’s actually becoming less common for girls ages 15 to 19 to become pregnant. Not only that, but more girls within this age group are choosing abstinence than ever before. For … Continue reading Proper Birth Control Use on the Rise in Teens→
By Emily Murray Whether your are young or old, man or woman, stress is a daily part of life. In many ways it is a good thing, it motivates us to work harder, be aware of our surroundings and to stay on our toes. A new study however has shown that women may be even more damaged … Continue reading Stress May Be More Damaging to Women’s Hearts According to New Study→
By Emily Murray Most of us have that one friend who always seems to make the right decision – saying “no” to the one-night stand or walking away from that tempting chocolate cake…every single time. While we can come up with a number of reasons about why they seem to be able to turn down … Continue reading The Truth About Temptation May Be Found in a Brain Scan→
By Emily Murray Medical professionals have known for some time now that being active is one sure way to help reduce our odds of succumbing to dementia in our older years, but new research has taken this theory even further. Remaining active can be difficult for those who have physical ailments or weaknesses that prevent … Continue reading Housework May Hold The Key To Fighting Dementia→
By Emily Murray For patients experiencing heart failure, the latest therapy on the horizon may come as a bit of a surprise. While it’s not yet recommended that patients try this therapy on their own, preliminary research has suggested that testosterone may actually help improve the quality of life for certain heart patients. For those … Continue reading Preliminary Research Shows Potential Benefits of Testosterone for Heart Failure Patients→
By Emily Murray Normally when we see someone being tube fed we assume that a medical condition must be the reason for it. Having a tube inserted through your nose after all doesn’t seem to be something we would willingly do to ourselves if nothing were medically wrong right? Well if you are a bride-to-be … Continue reading Tube Feeding – The New Weight Loss Trend?→
By Emily Murray Ever wonder what makes some people cheery, friendly and helpful day in and day out? Most of us assume it’s because of their current environment, past experiences and the way they were raised as children. While these things do factor in, a new study suggests that “niceness” can largely be passed down genetically and … Continue reading New Study Shows That ‘Being Nice’ May be a Product of Your Genes→
By Emily Murray You may not be familiar with the exact name of the hormone, but you have likely been affected by it. Oxytocin is known as the ‘love hormone’ as it is responsible for making couples feel closer and also for bonding mothers with their newborns. It has also been noted that women are … Continue reading Oxytocin Discovered to Help Men With Asperger’s Syndrome→
By Emily Murray There are a variety of events which can spur the onset of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Viewing any type of upsetting event, fighting in a war, being the victim of abuse or dealing with a natural disaster are some of the most common situations that can spur the condition. Scientists have … Continue reading PTSD May Be Associated With Genetic Changes→
By Emily Murray We all know that dreaded feeling when we discover that our favorite pair of jeans is getting a bit snug. We don’t really need to step foot on a scale to know that our weight has changed since we can easily recall how they used to fit. Okay…So what does this have … Continue reading Facebook Timeline Option May Fuel Weight Insecurities→