All posts by KwikMed

Spread the Word: Today is the National Back Up Your Birth Control Day of Action!

By Emily Murray As the national Back up Your Birth Control Campaign Day of Action is upon us, we have a lot to celebrate! We live in a nation where women still have the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies and this is one freedom we should never overlook. Unfortunately, … Continue reading Spread the Word: Today is the National Back Up Your Birth Control Day of Action!

Baldness Cause is Identified: Cure Could be Next

By Emily Murray Male pattern baldness is something that most men begin fearing long  before those dreaded pieces of hair start departing. While it is a condition that is inconvenient and often times embarrassing, it fortunately isn’t something that damages a man’s health – perhaps just his ego. Regardless, men are often very bothered by their hair loss. When … Continue reading Baldness Cause is Identified: Cure Could be Next

Antibiotic Resistance Becoming a Serious Threat to Modern Medicine

By Emily Murray With all the medical breakthroughs we continue to see year in and year out, the thought that someday soon a sore throat could be fatal seems an unlikely  scenario to imagine. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) however, this may be the frightening reality as we are a society rapidly becoming immune … Continue reading Antibiotic Resistance Becoming a Serious Threat to Modern Medicine