By Emily Murray When two high powered organizations go to battle, the only thing many of us can do is watch and wait. This week the Catholic church and the U.S. government have come to a stand off over the mandated availability of birth control coverage in insurance plans. It seems we have reached a … Continue reading Birth Control Debate Continues to Rage→
By Emily Murray When most of us hear anything dealing with electric shocks and the brain, we likely recall terrifying scenes from movies or perhaps antiquated medical practices for treating those with mental health conditions. If we are hoping to preserve our memories into our later years in life however, perhaps we should take another … Continue reading Mini Electric Shocks May Help Memory→
By Emily Murray Drinking soda habitually has been considered a health risk for a variety of reasons ranging from increased risk of diabetes to tooth decay, but did you know that it may also be impacting your respiratory health? This latest bit of news has been popping up over the Web this week and is … Continue reading Soft Drinks Linked to Respiratory Problems→
By Emily Murray Whether February and all it’s red, pink and heart-shaped glory leaves you thankful for the one you are with or perhaps wishing you had someone to be your Valentine, it’s the month of love and this is just the beginning of the onslaught of love themed posts to flood the Internet! Traditional … Continue reading Online Dating – Is This Really The Best Way to Meet Your Mate?→
By Emily Murray Once again, our parent’s advice we carelessly ignored is right on the mark. It’s a phrase that most of us heard throughout our childhood, “never go to bed angry.” While there are a number of reasons that parents often suggest this, there is now scientific evidence to back it up. When we go … Continue reading Going to Bed Angry Isn’t Healthy According to New Study→
By Emily Murray While there are many times we wish someone could just read our mind, there are likely an equal amount of moments we are glad they can’t. It’s safe to think these things since most of us feel that the idea of mind-reading is something that exists merely in science-fiction movies. The truth … Continue reading Have Scientists Found a Way to Read Minds?→
By Rebecca Jones For the first time in over a hundred years scientist may be ready to introduce a new form of male birth control. Until now options have been limited to condoms or vasectomies but according to a new study, ultrasound may be the future of birth control. Originally conceived over 40 years ago … Continue reading Ultrasounds: Another Step Closer to Male Birth Control?→
By Emily Murray When most of us hear the word “fat,” several images likely come to mind or the need to hit the gym suddenly takes over. But did you know that there are different types of fat and that it’s color indicates what kind of fat it is? In an article published today on … Continue reading Brown Fat? What the Heck is That? It May Just Be Your New Best Friend…→
By Rebecca Jones It has always been common wisdom that women have a higher threshold for pain than men but according to a new Stanford study this cliché may not hold truth. After reviewing tens of thousands of patient records researchers found that women reported more severe pain than men across a wide spectrum of … Continue reading Do Women Really Have a Higher Threshold for Pain?→
By Emily Murray For those living with heart disease, a bit of news released by the American Heart Association may be of interest. If everyday relatively strenuous activities can be done without loss of breath or chest pain, like climbing two flights of stairs for example, then engaging in sexual activity is thought to be very low … Continue reading American Heart Association Says Sex is OK for Most With Heart Disease→