By Emily Murray A recent study from the University of California, Berkely, has a lot of people talking. Apparently while many of us are frequently reminded to stay away from gossip, the opposite may actually be advisable. It seems that warning others about the dangers of associating with a certain person, business etc. is natural … Continue reading Gossiping isn’t Bad? Well Guess What I Just Found Out Then…→
By Rebecca Jones With the temperature dropping daily and spring a long way off, many of our hanging up our running shoes and spending that extra hour a day curled up under a warm blanket. It is the time of New Year’s Resolutions however and the dreaded 10lb’s of holiday weight isn’t going to work … Continue reading Winter Doesn’t Have to Wreak Havoc on Your Workout Routine→
By Rebecca Jones After maintaining a steady rate for nearly 15 years, researchers at the CDC report than binge drinking is on the rise. According to statistics gathered in a 2010 survey the percentage of the population that binge drinks, defined as 4 or more drinks in one sitting for women and 5 drinks for … Continue reading Binge Drinking On the Rise According to the CDC→
By Rebecca Jones According to a new study, dining out doesn’t have to derail your dieting efforts despite the large portions being served up at many of your favorite restaurants. With more people consuming a large percentage of their meals away from home it is increasingly important to learn how to stick to a diet … Continue reading Eat out and Still Lose Weight→
By Emily Murray The innermost workings of the brain remain among the most highly researched topics in the medical world and in society as well. The way people think, act and experience the world is so unique to one another and yet we are all made physically similarly. Of course we are shaped by our … Continue reading A Closer Look at How Optimism in the Human Brain Works→
By Emily Murray Most of us can tell you on any given day at least 5 things off the top of our heads that are causing us some form of stress or another. As unpleasant as that may be, stress in an important part of life. While large amounts are unhealthy for many reasons, perhaps … Continue reading The Real Cost of Stress Is Making Headlines Once Again→
By Rebecca Jones While no one underestimates the importance of good oral hygiene it turns out that proper dental care could reach much further than just the health of your teeth. Mounting research indicates that toxins in tooth and gum plaque can lead to inflammation in the body that in turn can contribute to heart … Continue reading Taking Care of Your Teeth May Also be Good for Your Heart→
By Emily Murray As the farming industry has evolved over the last few decades, often new procedures have been implemented in order to get the most out of a crop or more meat or byproducts from livestock. While many improvements have greatly helped the industry, one has been the center of some debate among consumers … Continue reading Use of Certain Antibiotics Now Limited in Livestock→
By Emily Murray As the iconic ball dropped in Times Square signifying that a new year had begun, many reflected on their hopes and resolutions for better living in 2012. Perhaps the biggest resolution made by both men and women this year was weight loss and while some merely strive to fit into those “skinny … Continue reading New Study Ties Fat Hormone to Dementia Risk in Women→
By Rebecca Jones According to a new study preferences for salty food may be established much earlier in life than previously assumed, reaffirming the notion that healthy eating habits need to be established while children are still very young. According to the latest research infants that are exposed to high sodium foods like crackers, cereal … Continue reading New Study: Salt Cravings Start Early→