By Emily Murray Until recently, most of us have been known to lament how long it will take us to rid our bodies of the calories we have consumed after a heavenly desert or perhaps a holiday dinner. While sometimes these statements may be overly dramatic, other times saying that a jog is needed to … Continue reading ‘Exercise Labels’ : What’s Your Thought on This Hot Topic?→
Brain-Eating Amoeba Fatalities Linked to Common Cold Remedy – Live Science A new warning has been issued on the possible dangers of using a nasal irrigation device know as a neti pot. This popular home remedy for colds and sinuses has been linked to two deaths in Louisiana after users filled their pots with tap … Continue reading The Friday Roundup→
By Emily Murray Over the last decade, we have seen more and more HPV cases reported, especially in teen girls and young women. While medical professionals have tried their best to slow the rapid trend of human papillomavirus (HPV) with vaccines and increased awareness, it continues to be one the most prevalent sexually transmitted infections. It’s … Continue reading New Breakthrough in HPV Testing: A Better Alternative to Pap Test→
As the holidays come around each year, many abandon their attempts at eating healthy and vow to begin watching their diet again in the new year. It’s a familiar scene for many of us which continues to repeat itself each year. However, a new study shows that cutting carbohydrates out of our diets only two … Continue reading Carb Cutting 2 Days a Week is More Effective Than More Extreme Diets→
By Emily Murray While marriage tends to get a bad reputation with celebrity divorces and shows like ‘Cheaters’ popping up every day, there are undoubtedly those who still appear to be very much in love decades after saying ‘I do.’ So what makes some couples stand the test of time and others last merely a … Continue reading Marriage, Kids, Love & Happiness – Can we Have it All?→
By Rebecca Jones Even as adults, it is hard to override the urge to sneak a bite of raw cookie dough. Even as kids, our parents would warn us of the dangers of Salmonella but we probably thought the threat was exaggerated to keep us from ruining our appetites. Well as it turns out mom … Continue reading No More Eating Raw Cookie Dough→
It’s been a busy week in health news and we’ve read it all so that we can bring you this week’s top 5 headlines. Morning-After Pill Limit Marks First Time U.S. Overrules FDA – Bloomburg Business week In an unprecedented move, the Obama administration overruled an FDA decision this week to allow unrestricted over-the-counter access … Continue reading The Friday Roundup→
By Emily Murray It seems that nearly every day we learn of a new food to keep away from and today is no different. Researchers have found that levels of arsenic are higher in those who eat rice more frequently. We heard a very similar story in regards to arsenic levels in apple juice last … Continue reading Arsenic in Rice? New Research Says Yes→
By Rebecca Jones This time of year, as we enjoy the mountains of cookies and homemade pies already our thoughts are turning to New Year’s resolutions and how we promise to eat healthier in the coming months. Sometimes eating healthy goes beyond just picking food that is low-fat and nutritious, it’s also important to keep … Continue reading 5 Foods to Add to the Naughty List This Holiday Season→
By Emily Murray As always, we have scoured the top health news headlines this week and highlighted 5 of the industry’s top news stories for the week. If you have one that you would like us to highlight, feel free to comment below! 1. Brain Food: Eating Fish May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s TIME … Continue reading The Friday Roundup→