By Rebecca Jones For years scientists have been unable to decode the structure of a key protein involved in the development of AIDS but a group of gamers were able to do what researchers couldn’t in just three weeks. Developed by the University of Washington, the game Foldit takes a scientific puzzle and turns it … Continue reading Video Games Aiding Scientists in AIDS Research→
By Rebecca Jones In an alarming new trend, visits to the ER for accidental medication poisoning in children 5 and under is up 30%. Despite warnings to keep medicines out of the reach of children the rate of poisoning has gone up 30% in the last year while the number of children under 5 in … Continue reading Accidental Poisoning in Children is on the Rise→
By Rebecca Jones Many things can take a toll on your skin as you age; sun damage, smoking, sleepless nights, but one of the biggest culprits when it comes to your skin is stress. Chronic stress can make us appear years older than we actually are. While you can pay hundreds of dollars on specialty … Continue reading Beating Stress to Improve Your Skin from the Inside Out→
By Rebecca Jones In a recent study conducted to test the effectiveness of pain medication researchers found that only about one-third of patients who took one dose of aspirin or acetaminophen experienced a reasonable amount of pain relief. No one pain medication is effective for all patients; some like codeine are effective in as few … Continue reading Taking Two Aspirin May not be the Best Answer→
By Rebecca Jones New research indicates that breaking a bad habit may be more about changing your environment and less about good intentions and will power. As creatures of habit, humans have developed the ability to accomplish a lot of things every day without having to dedicate valuable resources to planning and thinking about them. … Continue reading New Research Sheds Light on Breaking Bad Habits→
By Rebecca Jones Stress is probably one of the most commonly experienced emotions in today’s society and yet most of us are still struggling to find an effective way to combat the daily pressures of modern living. The problem is that stress can take a terrible toll on both your mind and body if not … Continue reading Stress and it’s Dangerous Effects on the Body→
By Rebecca Jones For years doctors have been telling us what not to eat in order to lower our cholesterol but according to a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that list of don’t may be replaced by a list of do’s. According to the latest research adding foods like … Continue reading Best Foods for Lowering Cholesterol→
By Rebecca Jones Fibromyalgia is a mysterious and misunderstood illness but for those living with chronic pain and fatigue its effects are all too real. While the causes of fibromyalgia are still unclear doctors believe that a good night’s sleep can help alleviate pain for sufferers. Fibromyalgia is characterized by long term wide spread pain … Continue reading The Link between Sleep and Fibromyalgia→
By Rebecca Jones In the 1940’s a group of American researchers, backed by the U.S. government went down to Guatemala and deliberately infected 1,300 people with STD’s including syphilis and gonorrhea. Now thanks to an investigation by the Obama administration and the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues a light is finally shining … Continue reading The Guatemalan Syphilis Experiments: The Dark side of Medical Testing→
By Rebecca Jones The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization issued a statement on Monday warning that the bird flu is mounting a comeback and its latest incarnation may be immune to current vaccines. This new variation of bird flu, H5N1, is already endemic in China and Vietnam and due to the latest wild bird … Continue reading Bird Flu Makes a Comeback→