By Rebecca Jones Tired of people telling you to look on the bright side? Turns out sometimes being angry, negative, even letting out a four letter word can be good for your health so the next time someone tells you to cheer up don’t be afraid to tell them you’ve got everything under control. Pessimistic … Continue reading When it Pays to be a Pessimist and Other Bad Behaviors→
By Rebecca Jones Childhood obesity is reaching epidemic proportions here in America and in response 19 chain restaurants have announced that they will start including healthier items on their children’s menus. But that doesn’t mean that French fries and burgers are going anywhere and just because you put apples on a fast food menu does … Continue reading Restaurants Prepare to Launch New “Healthy” Children’s Menus→
Guest Post by Charlotte Walker Zinc is undoubtedly a vital element within our bodies, as it helps to make new cells and enzymes and helps us to process the fat, protein and carbohydrates in our foods. Whilst zinc can also be found in the environment, in today’s blog post, we investigate the most common sources of … Continue reading Common sources of zinc in the diet→
By Rebecca Jones Remember when you were a kid and all it took was one look at your face for your parents to tell whether you were being truthful or not? What if it was still that easy to tell who’s being honest and who’s trying to put one over on you? Whether your husband’s … Continue reading How to Tell When Someone is Lying→
By Rebecca Jones With obesity reaching epic proportions in America many people are trying to find alternatives to traditional exercise. For those of us that haven’t enjoyed working out since Richard Simmons was all the rage in the 80’s there is a new workout craze that is as fun as it is effective. Zumba was … Continue reading Zumba: Jazzercise for the New Millennium→
By Rebecca Jones Sometimes it’s the smallest changes that deliver the biggest results. Here are eight little things you can try that will get you sleeping better, feeling great and protect your heart and brain. Most of these things are so simple you will hardly believe how well they work to improve your overall well … Continue reading Eight Simple Ways to Improve Your Health→
By Rebecca Jones While vaccines are something most of us forget about as soon as we are old enough to vote there are many preventable diseases that can affect us later in life if we do not continue to get vaccinated. Here are 6 diseases that you should talk to your doctor about and see … Continue reading What You Need to Know about Adult Vaccinations→
By Rebecca Jones It’s the 4th of July again and while for some of us that means a quiet weekend with friends and family it can also be one of the most dangerous holidays of the year. From BBQ’s to fire workers to a full weekend of sun and alcohol it is all too easy … Continue reading Tips for Having a Safe 4th of July→
By Rebecca Murray With the recent buzz over cell phones and their potential link to cancer many of us are left wondering if near constant exposure to the low levels of radiation all around us could be bad for our health, and it’s not just cell phones. All of the energy-efficient appliances we surround ourselves … Continue reading The Danger of Cell Phones and Transient Electricity→