All posts by KwikMed

12 Facts About Teen Pregnancy Infographic

Infographics organize and communicate large amounts of data that would otherwise be cumbersome in text form. After a decade of decline teen pregnancy is on the rise again so it seemed like an appropriate time to pass along some statistics on the subject while trying out an infographic of our own. If you would like … Continue reading 12 Facts About Teen Pregnancy Infographic

Sexting and Modern Day Courtship: Is it a do or a don’t?

By Rebecca Jones In many ways we are still charting unknown territory when it comes to our cultural feelings about sexting. From a harmless adult past time to criminal cases of child pornography public sentiment has run the gamut on this hot button topic and in light of the recent Anthony Weiner scandal it’s probably … Continue reading Sexting and Modern Day Courtship: Is it a do or a don’t?

A Man’s Guide to STD’s: What You Need to Know

By Rebecca Jones No one wants to talk about STD’s, besides that’s just something that happens to college kids/irresponsible people/other people, right? Wrong. Incidents of STD’s are still alarmingly high in America and just because you wear a condom you are not necessarily protected from them. The best thing you can do is get yourself … Continue reading A Man’s Guide to STD’s: What You Need to Know