By Emily Murray Most of us can still recall sitting in a classroom or maybe even reading the side of a cereal box and seeing the iconic food pyramid. We were told that this was the basis of how proper nutrition should work for our bodies and to our chagrin, most of our favorite sweets … Continue reading Goodbye Food Pyramid, Hello ‘MyPlate’!→
By Rebecca Jones Happiness is often elusive in an era of uncertaintity, financial worry and pressure both at work and at home. Often times we find ourselves trapped in a spiral of negative emotions and experiences that seems virtually overwhelming. The good news is that there are a million small changes we can make throughout … Continue reading 8 Ways to Make Yourself a Happier Person→
By Rebecca Jones Just like your body needs energy to work properly so does your brain. When two o’clock rolls around and you feel your will to be productive fading don’t make the mistake of grabbing a processed sugary snack that might make you feel better in the short term but will ultimately leave you … Continue reading 6 Foods That Will Make You Smarter→
By Rebecca Jones Perhaps there is no truer slogan in America than “sex sells.” From TV shows dedicated to the hi-jinks of Playboy bunnies to bikini models in beer commercials, our country seems obsessed with all things sexual in nature. And yet we also live in a country that shies away from any open and … Continue reading A Wall of Silence: The Danger of Sexual Repression in America→
By Rebecca Jones Considering that it is one of the world’s leading causes of preventable death it is no wonder that the Institute of Medicine is demanding that the U.S. raise public awareness of the dangers of contracting hepatitis. In this country alone nearly 5 million people are infected with either hepatitis B or C … Continue reading Hepatitis: What You Need to Know→
By Emily Murray We’ve come a long way as a society in regards to gender equality. It’s more common today to see stay-at-home dads and bread winning moms, something that wasn’t fathomable in the 40s and 50s, but with both sexes working in many households, it means essentially working two full-time jobs. One from 9-5 … Continue reading This Just In – Housework is Bad for your Health!→
By Rebecca Jones Come Friday we all feel ready to indulge a little bit. If you are suffering from a case of the Fridays and feel likes it’s time to reward your week of hard work here are a few treats that it turns out are actually good for you. 1. Have a Glass of … Continue reading 6 Indulgences You Don’t Need to Feel Guilty About→
By Rebecca Jones As the media works itself into a frenzy over the Shriver/Schwarzenegger split we find ourselves once again drawn into the debate about why powerful men seem so much more likely to cheat. Not that politicians or movies stars have a monopoly on the infidelity market but it seems that either they are far … Continue reading Why Men of Power Can’t Stop Cheating→
By Lauren Horton Last night thousands of fans were glued to their television sets as the NBA draft lottery took place. A representative from all 13 eligible teams sat at their respective desks and awaited the drawing to find out what pick number they would get. There were some usual suspects sitting in those chairs, … Continue reading Cleveland Cavaliers are Represented by a Hero with Neurofibromatosis→
By Emily Murray It’s happened to everyone at some point. You are sitting at your desk with multiple tasks on your “to-do” list staring blankly off into space when a coworker walks up and you are suddenly jolted from your sleep-like state. While many of us frequently have been victims of daydreaming, a new study … Continue reading ‘Local Sleep’ May Be Responsible For Wandering Minds→