By Rebecca Jones Between the demands of work, the hassles of our daily grind and the days that fly by before we know what hits us it often seems that “not tonight dear” is quickly becoming replaced with “not this month.” That doesn’t mean that we have to roll over and accept as inevitable that … Continue reading 8 Secrets for Improving Your Sex Life→
By Rebecca Jones Every man is concerned with his ability to get and maintain an erection. Not only are they necessary for a happy sex life but they can help indicate one’s overall health as well. The penis can not function separately from the body so it’s fair to say that if you are not getting proper oxygen and blood circulation your penis … Continue reading 5 Tips for Stronger Erections→
By Emily Murray The Internet has brought an overwhelming amount of information to our finger tips and has become such an integral part of our everyday lives that be barely even recognize it’s presence anymore. Google searches now take the place of asking a friend for advice, settling a debate on the exact wording of … Continue reading Internet Usage and Prescription Drug Abuse→
By Rebecca Jones In recent years more and more articles are being published about the negative consequences of having children. So far we’ve discovered that parents exercise less, weigh more, have poorer eating habits and suffer higher rates of depression. If that isn’t discouraging enough with the current state of the economy many of us … Continue reading Is Having Children a Poor Investment?→
By Rebecca Jones It’s a fact that our society just doesn’t get out and move like we used to. Groceries get delivered, we hit the drive thru for everything from the bank to the pharmacy and we get dinner dropped off right at our front door the only problem with all this convenience? The human … Continue reading How to Get More Exercise Without Really Trying→
By Emily Murray The desire to have animals in our lives begins in the first few years of development and for many the desire never leaves. “Can we keep him mommy, pleeeease,” is often the start of it all the first time we find a stray dog, frog or furry creature of any kind. When … Continue reading Animal Therapy: Why People Find Comfort in Pets→
By Emily Murray It’s hard to deny that some members of the opposite sex are infinitely more attractive to us than others. While our friends may not understand the attraction saying things like “I don’t think he’s cute” or “you can do better,” the throwback to our humble evolutionary beginnings trumps all else. Pheromones, the chemical odors … Continue reading Do Birth Control Pills Mess With Natural Attraction?→
By Rebecca Jones Despite public awareness of the importance of practicing safe sex there is an ongoing reluctance, especially among older generations, to use condoms during intercourse but with a new product about to launch condoms may start appealing to a whole new demographic. Nicknamed the “Viagra condom” Futura Medical’s CSD500 maybe the best thing … Continue reading British Biotechs Invent the “Viagra Condom”→
By Rebecca Jones We all try to make good decisions with our diets. We know that we should consume mostly whole grains and vegetables and consume fatty foods in moderation but when it comes to sugar where is that happy medium? Can we enjoy the occasional sweet or is sugar so bad for us that it … Continue reading Sugar: Is it Toxic?→
By Lauren Horton As humans, we tend to be our own biggest critics. Every “flaw” can seem magnified within your personal perception bubble. Your thighs are too big, your eyes are too small, your skin is not “perfect”….you know what I’m talking about. It is easy to pick out the little things that make us … Continue reading Body Dysmorphic Disorder→