By Emily Murray As the first few days of the work week pass with the new daylight saving time in place, many people are still stuck somewhere between the old time and the new. Perhaps one hour doesn’t feel like a lot, but for many it might be enough to throw their internal clock out … Continue reading 5 Tips for Counteracting The Effects of Daylight Saving Time→
Guest Post by John Most of us know that fast food is not healthy…but why do we still line up at the nearest fast food outlet? Read on to find out just how much you didn’t know about the fast food industry. 1. Fast food manufacturers don’t list all the ingredients. Fast foods are … Continue reading 12 Things You Don’t Know About the Fast Food Industry and Junk Food→
By Emily Murray For many adults, daily aspirin use is part of a preventive plan to help lower heart attack and stroke risk. While there is evidence that proves this is a good practice for many, new evidence shows that it may also contribute to erectile dysfunction in some men. According to recent research from … Continue reading Aspirin Use May Contribute to Erectile Dysfunction→
By Emily Murray Arachnophobes beware! While most people dread being bit by a spider, new research shows that perhaps men suffering from erectile dysfunction could welcome the venomous bite…well that is before the overall pain sets in of course. Ever hear about the mysterious 4 hour erection that may be a side effect of PDE-5 … Continue reading Natural Viagra: Brazilian Spider Bite Causes Multi-Hour Erection→
By Lauren Cooperman Over the past two weeks we have been bombarded with updates on the Charlie Sheen saga. People are hooked on the idiosyncratic rants that Charlie Sheen has lambasted throughout the media waves, and everyone is hoping to snag their own “winning” quotes. The media is not only seeking out the star, but … Continue reading The Mental State of Charlie Sheen→
By Emily Murray While most of us (hopefully all of us) have heard of the traditional male condom, perhaps there is another form of birth control we are overlooking. Watch out boys, here comes the safe sex diva, the female condom. Okay, I’ll give you a second to think that concept over… This seemingly different … Continue reading Female Condoms (Yes There is Such a Thing!)→
By Emily Murray A new academic paper published recently adds a bit more weight to the principle of the “golden rule,” which many recognize as the idea of “doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.” For those who relate better to Karma, the results essentially come down to the belief that … Continue reading Those who are Mean and Less Intelligent Don’t Live as Long→
Guest Post by Monique Rowe There are so many reasons to feel sad or depressed, but for some these feelings are far more serious. Depression is a mood disorder that can be triggered by mishaps that happen in daily life or can simply be a predisposed genetic trait. A broken marriage, a pet dying or … Continue reading Getting debt help can lessen feelings of depression and anxiety→
By Emily Murray Women have struggled for centuries to perfect their bodies – from corsets to the ever-popular modern day version (Spanx) we have been squeezing it in for some time now. However, the appearance of being a healthy weight is actually less important for your body than being a healthy weight, no matter what … Continue reading Why a healthy BMI is even more important for breast health in women→
By Lauren Cooperman Spring time is a season that many people look forward to. It’s the season where you can shed your winter clothes, dust off your barbeque, and begin enjoying the great outdoors. However, for the 50 million people in the United States suffering from allergies, the spring season can invoke some feelings of … Continue reading Spring Allergy Facts and Myths→