By Emily Murray Is there anything that the smartphone can’t do these days? Now, thanks to a new innovation, doctors may soon start using their smartphones to better detect and study their patient’s heart health. The company, Eko Devices, is the brain child of three University of California, Berkley, recent graduates. Last week, the company received … Continue reading Smartphones May Soon Become the New Stethoscope→
By Emily Murray Well, this news will make many women happy! According to research done at Georgia State University, when heterosexual couples divide child care duties, the relationship as a whole (and sex) improves. In order to reach this conclusion, data from more than 900 heterosexual couples was collected from the 2006 Marital Relationship Study and analyzed. … Continue reading Study Finds Sharing Child Care Duties Makes For a Better Sex Life→
By Emily Murray E-Cigs, or electronic cigarettes, are all the rage these days. Many hale them as the reason they could finally give up cigarettes and all the chemicals that go with them. Unfortunately, the things that often seem too good to be true usually are. Over the past year, E-Cigs have been the center of … Continue reading Teens Who Smoke E-Cigs More Likely To Try the Real Thing→
There is definitive proof that we are getting another step closer to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Cuba officially became the first country to eliminate the transmission of the AIDS virus from mothers to children. An amazing step in the right direction! This is a claim that a country can not make lightly. In order to … Continue reading Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Ends in Cuba→
By Emily Murray For those with loved ones suffering from Alzheimer’s, waiting for a miracle drug to reverse the damage to the brain seems all they can do. While many medications are currently being tested, researchers and health care professionals advise that all who are diagnosed, stay as mentally active as possible. In fact, keeping … Continue reading Keeping the Brain Active is Important for Alzheimer’s Patients→
By Emily Murray The world of diet fads and nutrition has been marked by the words “gluten-free” for the last few years now. While a certain percentage of the population does, in fact, have a gluten sensitivity, many others are eliminating gluten from their diets in an effort to improve their health. Additionally, many athletes … Continue reading The Gluten-Free Debate: Does it Help Athletes?→
By Emily Murray Nearly everyone knows about “the little blue pill,” these days. It’s worked wonders for men suffering setbacks in their love lives due to erectile dysfunction. Women who have decreased libido have been hoping for a similar pill. While the medication (flibanserin) has previously sought out FDA approval, it has yet to earn … Continue reading Women’s Viagra Looking for FDA Approval Once Again→
By Emily Murray Not all types of sugar affect the body in the same way, this according to a new small study in the journal PNAS. Apparently fructose, a sugar which is found in many products including fruit, may trigger a desire for more sweets and increase hunger levels. The study took place in Southern … Continue reading Fructose May Trigger Food Cravings→
By Emily Murray It’s no surprise that exercise is good for us, but what many may not realize is that it can actually lead to a longer life. New research shows that “vigorous exercise” is responsible for preventing chronic disease and early death. When it comes to defining exactly what constitutes as “vigorous” there has been … Continue reading Exercise Leads to Longer Life, According to New Study→
By Emily Murray We’ve all been faced with that tough choice in the produce aisle – do we cough up the extra 50 cents to buy organic or do we save a little on the regular veggies and call it a day? The raging debate about whether to ‘go organic’ has revolved largely around whether … Continue reading Organic Produce Carries Lower Risk of Pesticide Exposure→