By Emily Murray Since the Ebola threat in the U.S. appears to have subsided substantially in the last few months, it’s easy to forget that it is still claiming life after life in West Africa. Our national news has taken a step back from reporting as it is no longer impacting us but Ebola is … Continue reading Ebola Vaccination Ready for Testing in West Africa→
By Emily Murray While most of us look to the flu shot, perhaps we should be looking toward a more natural approach. A new study has found that those who are less frequently hugged suffer from more sever colds. This study was published in the journal Psychological Science. In studies past we have learned the benefits … Continue reading A Hug A Day Keeps the Flu Away?→
By Emily Murray With the holidays upon us, we are all busy preparing for family and festivities. While it is one of the most loved times of the year, there are some not-so-fun things that tend to come with it. Crowded shopping malls, full flights and lots of travel time expose us to lots of … Continue reading 3 Ways to Boost Your Immune System for the Holidays→
By Emily Murray If you haven’t gotten your flu vaccine yet, you might want to take a look at this new information. The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced yesterday that the current flu virus has mutated, making this year’s vaccination less effective. As a result, medical professionals are gearing up … Continue reading Flu Virus Mutation Renders Vaccine Less Effective→
By Emily Murray The holidays stir up a variety of emotions and memories, for most these are pleasant but even the happiest holidays can lead to stress. There are dinners to cook, parties to attend, gifts to buy, budgets to balance and lots of family time. This year, take time to enjoy the holidays and … Continue reading How to Feel Your Best Over the Holidays→
By Emily Murray The idea that our natural stature has something to do with our genetics is really nothing new but the fact that our gut microbes could be to blame? That’s something many of us have never considered. It seems with the growing obesity concern, more and more tests and studies have recently been conducted … Continue reading Gut Microbes to Blame for Fatness or Fitness→
While many of us are believers in the old idea of “retail therapy,” or shopping to overcome stress, break-ups, work issues etc. a new study reveals that toxic chemicals on store receipts may actually pose a danger to your health. The toxic chemical responsible for this news is bisphenol A (more commonly known as BPA). … Continue reading Store Receipts: The Latest Toxin to Avoid?→
By Emily Murray It comes as no surprise these days that soda is not healthy. Even for those drinking the diet versions, blood sugar is known to still spike from the artificial sweeteners, which can lead to sugary sweet cravings and snacking. Regardless of this insight, soda continues to be largely consumed by the teenage … Continue reading New Tactic for Getting Kids off the Soda Bandwagon→
By Emily Murray An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or so the adage goes, but in light of new research perhaps we should be taking a closer look at morphing to a Mediterranean diet. Researchers studied the impact of a Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, on heart health and discovered that this … Continue reading Mediterranean Diet Reduces Risk of Heart Disease→
By Emily Murray A new study revealed some surprising new information about lung cancer – apparently it can remain dormant for more than 20 years before becoming an issue. When it does become triggered however the damage can be substantial. Researchers conducted a review of the lung cancer from seven different patients (some were smokers, … Continue reading Study Finds Lung Cancer May be Dormant for Over 2 Decades→