By Emily Murray You may not be familiar with the exact name of the hormone, but you have likely been affected by it. Oxytocin is known as the ‘love hormone’ as it is responsible for making couples feel closer and also for bonding mothers with their newborns. It has also been noted that women are … Continue reading Oxytocin Discovered to Help Men With Asperger’s Syndrome→
By Emily Murray There are a variety of events which can spur the onset of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Viewing any type of upsetting event, fighting in a war, being the victim of abuse or dealing with a natural disaster are some of the most common situations that can spur the condition. Scientists have … Continue reading PTSD May Be Associated With Genetic Changes→
By Emily Murray We all know that dreaded feeling when we discover that our favorite pair of jeans is getting a bit snug. We don’t really need to step foot on a scale to know that our weight has changed since we can easily recall how they used to fit. Okay…So what does this have … Continue reading Facebook Timeline Option May Fuel Weight Insecurities→
By Emily Murray Those who smoke often find it hard to quit even though they can likely rattle off a list of reasons that they should. If you are a former smoker, you likely can relate to this battle and if you are a current smoker, often the challenge can seem too overwhelming. Imagine if … Continue reading First-Ever Lung Cancer Screening Trial Scheduled→
By Emily Murray Male pattern baldness is something that most men begin fearing long before those dreaded pieces of hair start departing. While it is a condition that is inconvenient and often times embarrassing, it fortunately isn’t something that damages a man’s health – perhaps just his ego. Regardless, men are often very bothered by their hair loss. When … Continue reading Baldness Cause is Identified: Cure Could be Next→
By Emily Murray While it’s thrilling for to hike into the clouds, for the 25% of Americans who suffer from a condition known as altitude sickness, the thrill is overshadowed by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. The new found remedy however, is something you likely have in your medicine cabinet – Ibuprofen. This new discovery … Continue reading Study Shows Ibuprofen Helps Reduce Altitude Sickness→
By Emily Murray With all the medical breakthroughs we continue to see year in and year out, the thought that someday soon a sore throat could be fatal seems an unlikely scenario to imagine. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) however, this may be the frightening reality as we are a society rapidly becoming immune … Continue reading Antibiotic Resistance Becoming a Serious Threat to Modern Medicine→
By Emily Murray For the most part in life we are taught to follow the golden rule ‘to each their own,’ meaning don’t judge others on their actions. When it comes to a life-threatening habit however (for not just the participant but others nearby) are we still expected to remain impartial? If you ask the … Continue reading What Do You Think About Aggressive Anti-Smoking Campaigns?→
By Emily Murray As anyone who has ever sat through a high school science class can attest to, genetics (even at the very basic level) are complicated. You don’t need to have a comprehensive understanding though in order to understand a new study that yields some hopeful findings. Our physical activities can help fight the … Continue reading Walking Helps Fight Obesity Gene Effects→