Category Archives: Health News

Teen Smoking Rates Continue to Rise, Surprises Surgeon General

By Emily Murray At a time when we know more than ever about the dangers associated with smoking cigarettes, it comes as an unpleasant surprise to many to find that more young people are continuing to light up. Millions die smoking related complications each year and it appears that “Big Tobacco” is reeling in a whole … Continue reading Teen Smoking Rates Continue to Rise, Surprises Surgeon General

Smoking Cessation Medication Chantix May Help Cocaine and Alcohol Addicts Too

By Emily Murray For those experiencing the challenges of trying to break their addictive behavior, the idea of taking a pill to ease the suffering is one that sounds nearly too good to be true. While the drug Chantix (varenisline) is most commonly associated with smoking cessation, two recent studies (conducted independently of any pharmaceutical … Continue reading Smoking Cessation Medication Chantix May Help Cocaine and Alcohol Addicts Too