By Emily Murray Everywhere you turn these days you hear about the “obesity epidemic” sweeping the nation. While it’s no surprise that Americans are consuming more unhealthy foods than ever before, men you may be surprised to hear that your fertility could be directly impacted by your diet. If you are eating fatty foods, you … Continue reading Sperm Count May Be Affected By Fatty Foods→
By Emily Murray While most of us are likely celebrating the fact we evaded the normally bitter winter weather this season, doctors warn that as a result of this abnormally mild winter, allergy season is here early. It’s not atypical for people this time of year to be sniffling and sneezing as they fight of … Continue reading Allergy Season May Be Upon Us Due to Warmer Winter→
By Emily Murray It’s long been acknowledged that eating an excess of red meat can lead to damage in the body, but a recent study has revealed that the damage may be more severe than we thought. According to the findings, it may take as little as one serving of red meat a day to increase the … Continue reading Red Meat Tied to Risk of Earlier Death→
By Emily Murray At a time when we know more than ever about the dangers associated with smoking cigarettes, it comes as an unpleasant surprise to many to find that more young people are continuing to light up. Millions die smoking related complications each year and it appears that “Big Tobacco” is reeling in a whole … Continue reading Teen Smoking Rates Continue to Rise, Surprises Surgeon General→
By Emily Murray By now you have probably noticed that “check-ins” have become very popular with social media users. Rarely can you sign in to Facebook without being bombarded with these status updates. While sometimes we wonder “do we really need to know you are at IHOP?” other times, seeing where a friend is on … Continue reading Safe Sex Goes Tech – QR Codes Appear on Condoms→
By Emily Murray Since Gardasil was first approved by the FDA in 2006, there has been no end to the discussion of this potentially lifesaving vaccine. Essentially it has been deemed the first vaccine that may actually be able to prevent certain types of cervical cancer causing infections. There are two types of infection that … Continue reading HPV Vaccine for Boys is a Hot Topic→
By Emily Murray While we can take good care of our bodies, watch what we eat and exercise regularly, heart attacks and heart disease are still risks we face as we age. The more we learn however, the more we can help defend against these type of health issues but we have yet to discover … Continue reading What Women Now Need to Know About Heart Attacks→
By Emily Murray It’s rare that you read a news headline and think “yeah, I completely agree,” but when this one topped many news websites this morning, I bet I wasn’t the only one who could relate. It appears that cell phones make us less connected socially…at least with those who aren’t on the other … Continue reading Cell Phones Make Us Socially Oblivious→
By Emily Murray Ever since we were children we were advised to get plenty of rest when we didn’t feel well. Now as we have grown up, the advice has remained the same and in fact, most of us have likely realized we are more apt to get sick when we are sleep deprived. While … Continue reading Internal Clock May Determine Whether Infection Takes Place→
By Emily Murray For those experiencing the challenges of trying to break their addictive behavior, the idea of taking a pill to ease the suffering is one that sounds nearly too good to be true. While the drug Chantix (varenisline) is most commonly associated with smoking cessation, two recent studies (conducted independently of any pharmaceutical … Continue reading Smoking Cessation Medication Chantix May Help Cocaine and Alcohol Addicts Too→