Category Archives: Health News

Facebook Chickenpox Parties: An Alarming New Trend

By Rebecca Jones Chickenpox parties were originally created by parents leery of vaccinating their children, preferring natural immunization instead. While these used to be local events, parents are turning to online groups to order contaminated saliva, lollipops and Q-tips to give their children in order to allow them to contract chickenpox and subsequently develop immunity … Continue reading Facebook Chickenpox Parties: An Alarming New Trend

Large Portions May Make a You a Bigger Person in More Ways Than One

By Rebecca Jones Despite America’s expanding waistline more people are still opting to supersize their food choices. According to a study this may have as much to do with social standing as it does appetite. In a country where bigger is always better; bigger houses, larger TV’s, fancier cars it’s no wonder our obsession with … Continue reading Large Portions May Make a You a Bigger Person in More Ways Than One

HPV Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke in Women

By Emily Murray While HPV (human papillomavirus) is the most common sexually transmitted infection and a frequent subject of discussion, it appears we still have much to learn about the virus and it’s potential impact on the body. A new study has shed some light on a link many of us might not have expected. We … Continue reading HPV Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke in Women