Category Archives: Health News

Killer Cantaloupes may be Alarming Sign of Larger Trend

By Rebecca Jones In what is already being called the worst food outbreak in over a decade, contaminated cantaloupes have already caused 13 documented and three more suspected fatalities and 72 illnesses. What’s even worse is that this may just be the first in a new trend of listeria contaminated produce items. Listeria is one … Continue reading Killer Cantaloupes may be Alarming Sign of Larger Trend

New Study: Unprotected Sex among Young People on the Rise

By Rebecca Jones According to a new report issued Monday; all over the world more young people are having unprotected sex and are uninformed about contraception than they were three years ago. In preparation for World Contraception Day (WCD), a multinational panel prepared their “Clueless or Clued Up: Your Right to be Informed about Contraception” … Continue reading New Study: Unprotected Sex among Young People on the Rise

Shark Compound May be Able to Fight Viruses in Humans

By Rebecca Jones In what is sure to be a major scientific breakthrough for the medical community, researchers have announced that they have pinpointed a shark compound that can kill viruses in humans. A cholesterol like compound called squalamine has been found in the tissue of dogfish sharks that when applied to humans can cure … Continue reading Shark Compound May be Able to Fight Viruses in Humans

Video Games Aiding Scientists in AIDS Research

By Rebecca Jones For years scientists have been unable to decode the structure of a key protein involved in the development of AIDS but a group of gamers were able to do what researchers couldn’t in just three weeks. Developed by the University of Washington, the game Foldit takes a scientific puzzle and turns it … Continue reading Video Games Aiding Scientists in AIDS Research