Category Archives: Health News

Cleveland Cavaliers are Represented by a Hero with Neurofibromatosis

By Lauren Horton Last night thousands of fans were glued to their television sets as the NBA draft lottery took place.  A representative from all 13 eligible teams sat at their respective desks and awaited the drawing to find out what pick number they would get.  There were some usual suspects sitting in those chairs, … Continue reading Cleveland Cavaliers are Represented by a Hero with Neurofibromatosis

Do Birth Control Pills Mess With Natural Attraction?

By Emily Murray It’s hard to deny that some members of the opposite sex are infinitely more attractive to us than others. While our friends may not understand the attraction saying things like “I don’t think he’s cute” or “you can do better,” the throwback to our humble evolutionary beginnings trumps all else. Pheromones, the  chemical odors … Continue reading Do Birth Control Pills Mess With Natural Attraction?