By Rebecca Jones Despite public awareness of the importance of practicing safe sex there is an ongoing reluctance, especially among older generations, to use condoms during intercourse but with a new product about to launch condoms may start appealing to a whole new demographic. Nicknamed the “Viagra condom” Futura Medical’s CSD500 maybe the best thing … Continue reading British Biotechs Invent the “Viagra Condom”→
By Rebecca Jones We all try to make good decisions with our diets. We know that we should consume mostly whole grains and vegetables and consume fatty foods in moderation but when it comes to sugar where is that happy medium? Can we enjoy the occasional sweet or is sugar so bad for us that it … Continue reading Sugar: Is it Toxic?→
By Lauren Horton As humans, we tend to be our own biggest critics. Every “flaw” can seem magnified within your personal perception bubble. Your thighs are too big, your eyes are too small, your skin is not “perfect”….you know what I’m talking about. It is easy to pick out the little things that make us … Continue reading Body Dysmorphic Disorder→
By Rebecca Jones It is common knowledge that depression can be a leading cause of erectile dysfunction but if you think Men don’t want to talk about their physical problems it probably won’t come as a surprise that they are even less likely to talk about their emotional ones. Often time’s depression is seen as … Continue reading Men and Depression: Recognizing the Symptoms→
By Rebecca Jones There is a new birth control pill in development that is creating quite a buzz. Though much of the excitement comes from the fact that this pill seems to have no negative side effects and only has to be taken once every three months the real ground breaker is that this contraceptive … Continue reading Scientists Reveal First Male Birth Control Pill→
By Rebecca Jones Every morning we wake up and decided today’s the day that we follow all the golden rules of diet and exercise. 30 minutes of cardio, 8 glasses of water, we’ve all heard them, those guidelines that sound so easy in theory and turn out to be nearly impossible in practice. The good news is you … Continue reading Keeping your Health without Losing Your Sanity→
By Rebecca Jones With the popularity today of medications like Viagra men are becoming much more comfortable talking about erectile dysfunction than ever before but one conversation they may not be having is how ED can be directly linked to heart problems. ED has many causes both physical and emotional and as men age they become … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction Linked to the Health of Your Heart→
By Rebecca Jones You go to the gym every day, eat a healthy diet, get 8 hours of sleep every night, you must be in great shape right? Not necessarily, if you spend the majority of your day behind a desk or on a couch that 45 minutes at the gym may not be enough to … Continue reading Is Your Desk Job Killing You?→
By Emily Murray Since the time we are children, our parents have punished us in a variety of ways when any of those offensive four letter words came sliding out of our mouths. Some call them curse words, others say “cussing,” but according to a new health study, having a potty mouth can actually work … Continue reading The Infamous Four Letter Words – Why They May Be Good For Your Health→
By Rebecca Jones Are you tired all the time? Most of us can attribute this to our crazy lifestyles, not enough sleep, a too busy schedule or poor diet and exercise could be to blame. But what if you’ve made all the lifestyle changes and that 8 hours still doesn’t seem to be enough? Chronic … Continue reading Feeling Tired? An Underlying Medical Condition Could be to Blame.→