Category Archives: Health News

New Government Plan to Cut Back on Prescription Drug Abuse

By Emily Murray With more than 7 million Americans 12 and older abusing prescription drugs in 2009 alone, it’s not surprising that this issue has caught the attention in the White House once again. It seems in the words of the epically tragic Billy Joel song “Only the Good die Young, ” many rock stars and celebrities have lived and died … Continue reading New Government Plan to Cut Back on Prescription Drug Abuse

Regenerative Medicine: Science or Science Fiction?

By Rebecca Jones Imagine a world where humans could regrow lost or damaged limbs, where organs can be grown in a lab with the cellular DNA of their future recipients. This might sound like science fiction but researchers all over the country are working to make regenerative medicine a reality. From regrowing finger tips to replacing kidneys, … Continue reading Regenerative Medicine: Science or Science Fiction?

New Study Proves That Being Overweight is Damaging to the Brain

By Emily Murray It comes as no surprise that being overweight can lead to health problems. Though some would like to shrug it off or pretend there is no danger, it’s nearly impossible.Typically each nightly news report or morning newspaper mentions tips for trimming down or highlights the benefits of keeping your body at a … Continue reading New Study Proves That Being Overweight is Damaging to the Brain

Java Junkies May Be Genetically Predisposed to Love Caffeine

By Emily Murray While sipping on my morning latte, I scanned the headlines when the word “caffeine” of course caught my eye. A new study has proven that while learning to love the distinctive flavor of coffee may be an acquired taste, loving the buzz of  caffeine may be something we’ve inherited. After taking a brief inventory of my … Continue reading Java Junkies May Be Genetically Predisposed to Love Caffeine