By Emily Murray Women have struggled for centuries to perfect their bodies – from corsets to the ever-popular modern day version (Spanx) we have been squeezing it in for some time now. However, the appearance of being a healthy weight is actually less important for your body than being a healthy weight, no matter what … Continue reading Why a healthy BMI is even more important for breast health in women→
By Lauren Cooperman Spring time is a season that many people look forward to. It’s the season where you can shed your winter clothes, dust off your barbeque, and begin enjoying the great outdoors. However, for the 50 million people in the United States suffering from allergies, the spring season can invoke some feelings of … Continue reading Spring Allergy Facts and Myths→
By Emily Murray Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, you have a very clear opinion on your views and values. Those on either side could argue for hours and likely still hold true to their original beliefs at the end of the day. So what if we back up to before sex even occurs, to … Continue reading More Birth Control = Fewer Abortions→
By Emily Murray Most of us have laughed from time to time making jokes about “men being animals” or any number of the countless gender-based jesting that goes on day to day. We can’t debate the fact that we are, after all, mammals and therefore are not that different from our four-legged friends in this … Continue reading The animal instinct within us all – the surprising scent of sexual attraction→
By Emily Murray We’ve probably all heard it and many of us may have even experienced it first hand. We are typically writers or mathematicians, not both, and we see no close similarities between speaking or writing and calculations. A new study however shows that the way we first learn language can also affect our … Continue reading Think you are strictly a words or numbers person? Think again…→
By Emily Murray Whether we learn a second language in school or while vacationing abroad, it might be wise to hold on to this talent as long as possible. Learning a language sort of adheres to the “use it or lose it,” theory and in light of new research there is even more motivation to … Continue reading Alzheimer’s Symptoms Delayed in Bilingual Patients→
By Lauren Cooperman People were all abuzz about the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Not just because of the extravagant way they live, or the catty fights between them, but because of the infamous “Dinner Party from Hell” episode at Camille Grammer’s home that showed an (allegedly) boozed up Allison Dubois puffing away on an … Continue reading The 411 on Electronic Cigarettes→
Guest Post by Evan J. It’s not much of a stretch to claim that the basis of good health is in the gut. A healthy human gastrointestinal tract contains hundreds of millions of microorganisms, tiny life forms that provide such diverse functions as breaking down organic matter for digestion and stimulating the production of natural … Continue reading 8 Health Benefits of Probiotics→
By Lauren Cooperman Ask any man on the street what one of his biggest fears is and you are sure to get “going bald” as a response. Generally this fear is solely vanity related and is closely linked with the negative notion attached to aging. However, new research suggests that there might be more to … Continue reading Balding at 20 is Linked to Increased Prostate Cancer Risk→
By Emily Murray The idea of empathy is one that has left people wondering numerous things. Perhaps the most common of these include: what exactly is empathy? Is is something I can learn myself or teach my children? Why do some people have no empathy at all and others seem to have so much that … Continue reading Testosterone and empathy may not mix according to new research→