Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Lululemon Debate – Is Fat Shaming Once Again to Blame?

By Emily Murray By now, you’ve most likely heard the term ‘fat shaming’ and may have already developed an opinion about it for yourself. In another recent post, we discussed a mother who came under heavy criticism for a photograph she thought was inspiring but many felt was nothing more than a ploy to make … Continue reading The Lululemon Debate – Is Fat Shaming Once Again to Blame?

Introverts Can Act Like Extroverts to Achieve the Same Benefits

By Emily Murray “Fake it ’till you make it.” We’ve all heard this age old advice. New studies have found that for introverted people seeking the happiness that comes from socializing, his may actually be a good start. It’s been proven that extroverts, or those considered outgoing, are generally happier and more satisfied with their … Continue reading Introverts Can Act Like Extroverts to Achieve the Same Benefits

The One Sided Conversation – Why Listening to Half a Phone Call is so Aggravating

By Emily Murray Let’s face it, we are all a bit guilty here. When was the last time you were in a public place while talking on your cell phone? It’s practically a part of daily life. Conversely, can you think of a recent time when you were in a relatively quiet area and couldn’t help … Continue reading The One Sided Conversation – Why Listening to Half a Phone Call is so Aggravating

Age And Health: How Much Health is Affected By Age and Our Lifestyle

By Chis Haro It is with no surprise comes certain changes to our body. Most of the time it is something physical, like weight gain or loss, joint pain, or even something as serious as a chronic disease. For many who reach the ages of 65 and older, it is a normal occurrence to have … Continue reading Age And Health: How Much Health is Affected By Age and Our Lifestyle

Tips For Staying Healthy At Work During the Holiday Season

By Chris Haro It is a couple of days before holiday vacation and you sit there at work, you are sniffling and sneezing.. a flu’s in the lurk! You want to be healthy, you can’t afford to get sick, but your nose and cheeks are getting rosy, but not cheery like St. Nick. You reach for … Continue reading Tips For Staying Healthy At Work During the Holiday Season