Category Archives: Uncategorized

5 Foods to Add to the Naughty List This Holiday Season

By Rebecca Jones This time of year, as we enjoy the mountains of cookies and homemade pies already our thoughts are turning to New Year’s resolutions and how we promise to eat healthier in the coming months. Sometimes eating healthy goes beyond just picking food that is low-fat and nutritious, it’s also important to keep … Continue reading 5 Foods to Add to the Naughty List This Holiday Season

Penile Cancer: The Cancer that No One Wants to Talk About

By Rebecca Jones A verdict was finally announced in the trial of the doctor who removed a Kentucky man’s penis during a routine circumcision and many are left wondering just how common penile cancer is and what kind of screening is available so that they do not have to worry about finding themselves in a … Continue reading Penile Cancer: The Cancer that No One Wants to Talk About

Free Birth Control Approved for US Women

By Rebecca Jones In a landmark decision, the Health and Human Services Department announced today that U.S. health insurance companies will have to offer women free birth control along with other preventative health services as part of the Obama administration health care overhaul.  Following the recommendations issued last month by the Institute of Medicine that … Continue reading Free Birth Control Approved for US Women

Scientists Announce First Step in Creating Universal Flu Vaccine

By Rebecca Jones In what could be a major breakthrough, scientists have announced that they have isolated an antibody that could be used to vaccinate against all types of influenza A viruses. This is the first step toward a universal flu vaccine that could be administered once instead of annually. Researchers are guardedly optimistic that … Continue reading Scientists Announce First Step in Creating Universal Flu Vaccine