Category Archives: Uncategorized

Oxytocin – the “love hormone” plays a role in men’s lives too

By EmilyM So “Love Potion No. 9” may have simply been a catchy song of the 60s, but many doctors and scientists have believed for some time now that a natural love potion of sorts really does exist. It’s called oxytocin. It’s the same natural chemical that bonds mothers with their children and even women … Continue reading Oxytocin – the “love hormone” plays a role in men’s lives too

It’s the Great American Smokeout – Time to Quit Smoking!

By EmilyM Simply stop buying, daydreaming or having anything to do with cigarettes altogether. Simple right? While quitting smoking is admittedly not the easiest thing in the world to accomplish, it is one of the most rewarding. Sound like some empty motivational hoopla? Well take it from me, I have been through the journey myself … Continue reading It’s the Great American Smokeout – Time to Quit Smoking!

Four Loko wreaks havoc, now cutting caffeine before potential FDA ban

By EmilyM If you have been watching the news lately, you’ve likely been bombarded with all the  “buzz” surrounding the seriously potent caffeine and alcohol drink, Four Loko. This week, with the FDA hot on their trail, Phusion Projects (the makers of the drink) have announced that they will be removing the caffeine from Four … Continue reading Four Loko wreaks havoc, now cutting caffeine before potential FDA ban

Prolonged Exposure to Chemical BPA Lowers Sperm Quality – Study Finds

By EmilyM The three little letters “BPA” seem to be popping up left and right in headlines everyday. Prior to the fairly recent investigations into it’s potential effects on male fertility and sexual performance, not many people even knew it existed. In light of the most recent study, which was published on October 28 in … Continue reading Prolonged Exposure to Chemical BPA Lowers Sperm Quality – Study Finds

Walking May Help Elderly Keep Minds Sharp and Memory Intact

EmilyM A new study proves that perhaps there is something to be said for the term “jogging one’s memory.” When it comes to keeping the mind sharp throughout all stages of life, new evidence proves that exercise can help achieve just that. Kirk I. Erickson, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, … Continue reading Walking May Help Elderly Keep Minds Sharp and Memory Intact

Erectile Dysfunction Drug May Help Patients with Muscular Dystrophy

By EmilyM While most people know Viagra today for it’s most popular use, treating erectile dysfunction, the medication was actually first developed by Pfizer to help cardiac related health problems. A new study released in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights many great reasons to take the drug back to it’s roots. … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction Drug May Help Patients with Muscular Dystrophy

Study Finds: Men With Bread Winning Women More Likely to Cheat

By EmilyM A new study has found perhaps a surprising statistic. Men with spouses who bring home the most money are five times more likely to cheat. While this idea may not be revolutionary, the ability to put a tangible statistic to this fact is. The news was announced  at the recent annual meeting of … Continue reading Study Finds: Men With Bread Winning Women More Likely to Cheat