Category Archives: Uncategorized

What’s going on down there?? – the truth about Peyronie’s Disease

EmilyM While it may be slightly difficult for me to relate to this as a woman, I can only imagine the heart-stopping surprise/shock/horror/amazement a man must experience when he steps into the bathroom and unzips his pants, only to see something is well… not where it belongs… in fact, about ninety degrees from where it … Continue reading What’s going on down there?? – the truth about Peyronie’s Disease

Why the Healthcare Reform Legislation Will Cost You More

by jasonP We have covered the healthcare legislation, and its implications, a few times in the past. We discussed the potential downside of the “Individual Mandate,” and the possible legal conflicts it poses. This week, there is an interesting new analysis of the future of insurance policy rate-setting, and how that will be affected by … Continue reading Why the Healthcare Reform Legislation Will Cost You More

Female Viagra Falls Flat? Imagine That!

By EmilyM So you can make a pretty pink pill that looks like Viagra…but can it really have that same “stimulating” effect? Seems hard (pun intended) when the anatomy of men and women are… well… different… you remember health class. Based on the amazing popularity of the little blue pill, it only makes sense that … Continue reading Female Viagra Falls Flat? Imagine That!

The Individual Mandate – Does It Make Sense?

Possibly the most debated point in the healthcare legislation is the individual mandate. It requires that all citizens must purchase health insurance, or pay a fine. Or pay additional tax. Or something like that. The reports and interpretations vary widely. It may be a long time before the practical interpretations are settled. There is some … Continue reading The Individual Mandate – Does It Make Sense?

Google Takes Down Online Pharmacies

Google has announced (in a blog post found here) that it will no longer accept advertsiing from any online pharmacy which issues a prescription online.  They have commented that they will only accept advertising from websites with VIPPS certification (Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites).  VIPPS has been created by the National Association of Pharmacy Boards … Continue reading Google Takes Down Online Pharmacies